
Showing posts from March, 2021

Pukekohe Early Childhood

Treetops know that for many children Pukekohe early childhood , preschool, and kindergarten is the first contact outside of the family with other children. All the lessons about sharing and being nice that Mom and Dad have tried so hard to teach don’t really come into play until they are forced to interact with other kids their own age. When playing on the playground or in classroom children are forced to relearn their social skills in an environment of peers not adults who will give in to tantrums and sweet smiles. Because of this, a playground can be the perfect place to reinforce lessons taught at home and in school regarding social niceties. It can also be an important place as it teaches lessons that may not be learned anywhere else. Through experiences such as standing in line for the slide, waiting to use the swings, playing together with toys, and even waiting to talk to teacher, children are able to learn about sharing, patience, and taking turns. Although they may have been t